
  • 3 Lessons

    Respiratory Care of the Post-Op Patient

    Physiotherapists have a HUGE role to play for patients who have had surgery, particularly when it comes to managing chest symptoms! We have the fabulous Jodie Bryant to take this webinar, so that you will learn crucial considerations and signs to look out for on assessment, as well as how to structure your treatments to these patients. Brilliant learning for anyone who will be working in, or is looking to specialise in respiratory physio!
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    Respiratory Conditions in Paediatrics

    We are delighted that our Paediatric Specialist Physiotherapist Niamh will be bringing this fantastic webinar to you. Having specialised in Respiratory Paediatrics earlier in her career, Niamh is perfectly placed to bring you her experience in working with conditions such as Bronchiectasis, Cystic Fibrosis, Asthma and much more! In this webinar, Niamh will be guiding you through the background to each condition, as well as some of the key assessment and treatment tips, with some case studies along the way. This webinar will be an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in Respiratory or Paediatric Physiotherapy, or for anyone who may be embarking on a placement or rotation in these areas.
  • 3 Lessons

    Respiratory Differential Diagnosis

    Our Specialist Respiratory Physio Katy will be guiding you through a breadth of different Respiratory Conditions in this webinar, with key differential diagnosis points, so that you can be confident in understanding what condition your patient has when you next step onto the ward. Katy will be highlighting key signs and symptoms for each condition, so that you can be sure to build your respiratory knowledge for a whole host of respiratory conditions.
  • 3 Lessons

    Respiratory On The Surgical Ward

    Katy Smith will to take you through some of the most common surgeries you will see and how to manage your ward list with so many surgical patients on it. She will then be explaining some of the key assessment and treatment principles when working on a Surgical Ward, including how important factors such as pain, mobilisation and goal setting impact your patient’s rehabilitation. This webinar will be an excellent learning tool for anyone interested in Respiratory Physiotherapy or who is embarking in an upcoming Respiratory Rotation or Placement.
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    Respiratory Revision 2024

    Join Respiratory Specialist Katy for a Crash Course into the most important Respiratory topics you need for your exam, placement or rotation! Katy will be taking you through the most important topics such as the Subjective and Objective Assessment, Respiratory Conditions, and additional concepts such as ABG and Chest X-Ray Interpretation!

  • 3 Lessons

    Respiratory Sounds: Interpretation and Management

    A brilliant learning tutorial for anyone who wants to gain more from their Auscultation! In this webinar, Dr Jack guides you through some of the common sounds you will hear when listening to a patient, particularly during auscultation... Crackles, Wheezes, Breath Sounds, Stridor... All discussed in this excellent teaching session!
  • 3 Lessons

    Respiratory Treatments

    Katy Smith will guide you through the important aspects of the types of respiratory treatments available to your patients on the wards and the intensive care unit, when to use these treatments and how to apply this knowledge in clinical practice day to day.
  • 3 Lessons

    Returning to Sport after ACL Reconstruction

    Adrian is an Absolutely Superb MSK Specialist Physiotherapist, who specialises in Running and Lower Limb Injuries. In this webinar, he guides you through an incredibly important topic; Facilitating patients back to sport following an ACL Reconstruction. Join this webinar to boost your knowledge and skills in planning a return to sport, understanding specific return to play tests and criteria, as well as how to implement physical and psychological treatment to help your ACL patients!
  • 3 Lessons

    Rheumatology for Physios

    Dr. Jack will take you through the pathway for multiple rheumatological conditions, diagnostic clues, assessment tips and methods for management of these patients. This webinar will be particularly relevant when working in a musculoskeletal environment, so that you have the clear tools to look for, to help you diagnose and manage your patient most effectively. Key rheumatological conditions discussed include Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Ankylosing Spondylitis and more.
  • 3 Lessons

    Secrets Of Physio Job Interviews: Live Q&A

    With interview season in full swing, the Clinical Physio team are here to help with a Specialist Members Webinar! Join Khalid and Marie as they give you their top tips for excelling in your job interviews… Plus you get the chance to interview them with a special Live Q+A in which you can ask them advice on the questions you have been wanting to ask, maybe even with some interview questions of your own! This tutorial promises to boost your skills and confidence if you have interviews coming up!

  • 3 Lessons

    Sepsis: What does it mean to Physio?

    Sepsis is one of the most important and commonly discussed conditions in acute medicine in recent years, given how much of a significant impact it can have on a patient if signs are not spotted early. In this talk, Respiratory Specialist Katy Smith will focus on both medical and Physiotherapy concepts to help you in your inpatient practice.
  • 18 Lessons

    Shoulder Anatomy BootCamp

    The Shoulder Anatomy BootCamp from Clinical Physio is a Set of 4 Tutorials covering a different aspect of Shoulder Anatomy. Each tutorial will utilise our incredible 3D Anatomy Model to showcase the anatomy in clear detail, with our expert panel explaining how the anatomy links to Physiotherapy and the most important clinical conditions. If you want to improve your anatomy knowledge, this course is a MUST!

  • 3 Lessons

    Shoulder Differential Diagnosis

    Khalid Maidan and Marie Welch will take you through how to examine and diagnose a variety of Shoulder Conditions in clinical practice. This will improve your ability to correctly identify common clinical conditions affecting the shoulder during your clinical practice and introduce you to how to manage these. By the end of this webinar you will feel much more confident in determining the differences between pathologies to help your assessment and diagnosis skills.
  • 3 Lessons

    Shoulder Red Flags

    Join Upper Limb Specialist Physio Marie Welch to talk about the key red flags to look out for at the shoulder, with the most common signs and symptoms to help your diagnosis, including Massive Cuff Tears, Visceral Masqueraders, AVN, Cancer and more!
  • 3 Lessons

    Shoulder Surgery

    Marie Welch will guide you through common shoulder conditions which may be treated with surgery such as Frozen Shoulder, Shoulder Instability and Rotator Cuff Tears to name a few, including the key signs that would indicate the surgery could be a suitable option for your patient. She will then describe the key surgeries that you need to know about, as well as the important rehab factors that need to be considered for each surgery based on the complexities of the procedure. This webinar will be an excellent learning tool for anyone interested in Musculoskeletal or Orthopaedic Physiotherapy or who is embarking in an upcoming Rotation or Placement in these areas.
  • 3 Lessons

    So you want to get into Research?

    What an inspiring talk this promises to be! If you have ever considered becoming more involved in research, then we would highly recommend you tune into this talk with Clinical Academic Physiotherapist Enya Daynes to help you understand what some of your initial considerations and steps to jump into research may be!

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    Soft Tissue Injuries: When to Refer On Q&A

    Soft-tissue injuries are common in musculoskeletal Physiotherapy practice. However, knowing when to refer patients onward and what to look for in their history and examination can be challenging. Marie and Khalid will guide you through everything you need to know in a concise and straightforward manner, helping you improve your confidence, avoid treatment delays, and improve patient outcomes!
  • 3 Lessons

    Spasticity Assessment and Treatment

    Join our Expert Neurological Physiotherapist Liv Tenburg to learn the pathophysiology, diagnosis and physiotherapy management of patients with brain tumours. She will guide you through all the best practice guidelines on how to assess and manage the neurological symptoms and signs these patients have and how to effectively treat these to improve your patients outcome and function using the best neurological physiotherapy techniques.
  • 3 Lessons

    Spinal Cord Injuries

    Liv Tenberg will be discussing some of the common presentations that you may find for these patients, as well as some of the key assessment tools that need to be covered. She will then be covering the key element of this webinar which will be analysing the symptoms that these patients may commonly present before highlighting some of the most common treatments and rehab tips. This webinar will be an excellent learning tool for anyone interested in the topic who is embarking in an upcoming Rotation or Placement in Neurology.
  • 3 Lessons

    Stroke for Physiotherapists

    Liv Tenberg will guide you through some of the most crucial aspects regarding the Pathophysiology of Stroke, Assessing Stroke Patients and Guidelines for Treatment and Management. This webinar will be an excellent learning tool for anyone interested in Neuro Physio, or is embarking in an upcoming Neurology Rotation or Placement.